Improved Features and Stability: Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.2.0

Aspose.Pdf for Android logoWe are very much excited to announce the release of Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.2.0 which is better and more stable than earlier versions. This new release provides some great features including PDF to image conversion with the help of the com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfConverter class. Previously, this feature was only supported in Aspose.Pdf for .NET and Aspose.Pdf for Java. Aspose.Pdf for Android is built on top of Aspose.Pdf for Java and we have worked hard to support this feature in Aspose.Pdf for Android so that our Android customers can also use this handy feature for PDF manipulation.

In this new release, we have introduced some great classes including:

  • BaseParagraph
  • BorderCornerStyle
  • BorderCornerType
  • BorderInfo
  • BorderSide
  • FloatingBox
  • HeaderFooter
  • Heading
  • Hyperlink
  • Image
  • LevelFormat
  • MarginInfo
  • NewParargraphPlacementInfo
  • PageGenerator
  • PageInfo
  • Paragraphs
  • TableImporter
  • TOCInfo
  • WebHyperlink

Based on newly added classes, you can set a table’s border style, margins and padding, convert PDF documents to images, work with FloatingBox objects , convert image files to PDF format and much more.

Please download and evaluate the new capabilities of Aspose.Pdf for Android 1.2.0.