Automatic Recalculation of Project Data & Improved MPP Reading in Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.1.0

Aspose.Tasks for .NET logoAspose.Tasks for .NET 6.1.0 has been released with a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

Last month’s release introduced creating a project with default properties and provided new methods for adding tasks, resources, task links and resource assignments with default values. Any change in a project’s data, for example marking tasks as active or inactive, changing assignment’s work, regular work, or actual work is required to recalculate the project’s dependent fields.

This month’s release has further enhanced the capabilities of Aspose.Tasks for recalculating project’s dependent data automatically when a project is created or modified. The API’s Project class now exposes the control flag CalculateAfterEdit (true by default) that decides how a project’s dependent data is recalculated as detailed in our online article.

This month’s release also fixes a number of bugs related to MPP read and write functionality such as setting percent complete and percent work complete, reading assignment delay, reading baseline timephased data from MPP, reading and writing the autolink field in 2003-2013 MPP and some others. This improves the overall functionality of the API.

For further details about what is new and fixed, please visit the Product Release Page.