Support for Relative Scaling of Picture Frame, Hanging Bullets and Improved Rendering in Aspose.Slides for Java 7.9.0

Aspose.Slides for Java logoWe’d like to present Aspose.Slides for for Java 7.9.0. This new release introduces a couple of new features. We have introduced support for setting the scaling factor for an image added in a slide’s picture frame. Please read Adding Picture Frame to SlideEx for further details and an example of how to use it. We have included the support for hanging bullets for paragraph text. If you want to know more about that feature, read Managing Paragraph Bullets. We have rectified slide cloning issues, and multi-threading issues when Aspose.Slides was used in multi-threaded environment. We have also improved the API usability in Linux/Unix environment by rectifying several slide rendering issues. Finally, we have improved the API documentation by specifying the deprecated classes.kind reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for Java 7.9.0, please visit the download page.