Convert EPUB to PDF Conversion using C# or VB.NET

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We are very much pleased to announce the release of Aspose.PDF for .NET 8.4.0 which provides the long-awaited feature that allows you to convert EPUB files to PDF format. With the release of this version, the TextStamp object supports wordwrap.

Aspose.Pdf for .NET has been capable of converting a particular PDF page to image format for some time. With this release, we have introduced the feature to export PDF pages to image format using MediaBox bounds. This feature is introduced in PNG, JPEG and TIFF devices. The following code snippet shows the steps to accomplish this requirement:

The product is also optimized for better PDF to image conversion and the size of the output images is now smaller. Please download and evaluate the latest release of Aspose.PDF for .NET 8.4.0.