Add Comments to PowerPoint PPT Slides in Python

Add Comments to PowerPoint PPT Slides in Python

Often, the content in presentations is required to be reviewed by other people to get their feedback. In PowerPoint, comments are used to write feedback about a particular word, phrase, or anything on a slide. In this article, we will cover how to add comments to PowerPoint PPT slides programmatically in Python. Moreover, you will learn how to read the existing comments and add replies.

Python Library to Add Comments in PowerPoint PPT

To add and read comments and their replies, we will use Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET. The library is designed to create rich PowerPoint presentations from scratch. Moreover, it allows you to manipulate the existing presentations seamlessly. You can install the library in your applications from PyPI using the following command.

> pip install aspose.slides

Add Comments to PPT Slides in Python

In PowerPoint presentations, the comments are associated with the authors. Whereas, each comment contains some additional information such as time of creation, slide where it is added, and its position. The following are the steps to add comments to a slide in PPT using Python.

  • First, load the presentation file or create a new one using Presentation class.
  • Then, add a new slide or get reference of an existing slide from Presentation.slides collection.
  • Add a new author to the authors collection using Presentation.comment_authors.add_author(string, string) method.
  • Get reference of the newly created author in an object.
  • Define the position of the comment.
  • Add comment using Author.comments.add_comment(string, ISlide, point, date) method.
  • Finally, save presentation using, SaveFormat) method.

The following code sample shows how to add comments to PPT slides in Python.

The following is the screenshot of the slide that we get after adding the comment.

Insert Comments to PPT Slides in Python

Add Comment Replies in PPT Slides in Python

Aspose.Slides also allows you to add replies to the comments. A reply itself is a comment which is associated with an existing comment. So let’s see how to add replies to comments in PowerPoint PPT slides in Python.

  • First, load the presentation file or create a new one using Presentation class.
  • Then, add new slide or get reference of the existing slide from Presentation.slides collection.
  • Add a new author and get its reference in an object.
  • Insert comment using Author.comments.add_comment(string, ISlide, point, date) method and get returned object.
  • Insert another comment in the same way and get its reference in an object.
  • Set parent of the second comment using parent_comment property.
  • Finally, save presentation using, SaveFormat) method.

The following code sample shows how to add replies to comments in a PPTX presentation in Python.

The following screenshot shows the output of the code sample above.

Add reply to the comments in PPT

Read Comments in PPT Slides in Python

You can also read comments from the PPT slides added by a specific author or all the authors. The following are the steps to read comments in PPT slides in Python.

  • Load the presentation file using Presentation class.
  • Loop through the list of authors using Presentation.comment_authors collection.
  • For each author, loop through its comments using Author.comments property.
  • Read comment using its properties.

The following code sample shows how to read comments in PPT slides in Python.

Get a Free License

You can use Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET without evaluation limitations by requesting a temporary license.


In this article, you have learned how to add comments in PowerPoint PPT slides in Python. Moreover, we have covered how to add replies and read comments in PowerPoint presentations programmatically. Besides, you can visit the documentation to explore more about Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET. Also, you can post your queries to our forum.

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