Convert Word Documents to EPUB in Java

Convert Word Documents to EPUB in Java

Most of the smart devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. support EPUB format to view or read documents. It is a commonly used format for ebooks or electronic publications. On the other hand, MS Word formats, such as DOCX, DOC, etc., are among the widely used document formats in the digital world. In this article, we are going to show you how to convert MS Word files to EPUB programmatically using Java. Moreover, you will learn how to customize Word to EPUB conversion using different options.

Java API for Word to EPUB Conversion

In order to convert DOCX, DOC, etc. files to EPUB format, we will use Aspose.Words for Java. The said API allows you to create and manipulate MS Word documents seamlessly. Moreover, you can perform high-fidelity conversion of Word files to other formats such as EPUB, HTML, PDF, etc. You can download the API’s JAR file or install it in your Maven-based applications using the following configurations.

    <name>Aspose Java API</name>

Convert a Word Document to EPUB in Java

The following are the steps to convert a Word DOCX file to EPUB in Java.

The following code sample shows how to convert a DOCX file to EPUB in Java.

Customize Word to EPUB Conversion in Java

You can also modify the default behavior of the API in Word to EPUB conversion using different options. For example, you can specify the encoding scheme, export document information, set splitting criteria, and so on. The following are the steps to customize Word to EPUB conversion.

The following code sample shows how to customize Word to EPUB conversion.

Get a Free License

You can use Aspose.Words for Java without evaluation limitations by getting a free temporary license.


In this article, you have learned how to convert Word documents to EPUB format in Java. Moreover, you have seen how to modify Word to EPUB conversion using different options. Alongside, you can visit the documentation to find out what else Aspose.Words for Java offers. In case you would have any confusion or questions, you can let us know via our forum.

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