Convert STL to PDF or PNG Image Programmatically in C#

Convert STL to PDF PNG Image

STL, abbreviated for stereolithography, represents 3D surface geometry. These are frequently used in CAD-related applications. You can convert STL files to PDF quickly and easily. This file format conversion is helpful in scenarios when you need to view the information in different operating systems and environments, because of the compatibility of PDF format. Likewise, you can render STL to PNG images for a quick preview of the file. Let us take a look at the following sections to learn them better:

STL to PDF or PNG Image Conversion – API Installation

Aspose.CAD for .NET API supports working with STL, DWG, PLT, and many other supported file formats. Here we will be dealing with STL files conversion in particular. You can configure the API by downloading the DLL files from the Downloads section, or using the following installation command related to the NuGet package:

PM> Install-Package Aspose.CAD

Convert STL to PDF Programmatically using C#

PDF is popular format because of its enormous compatibility with a lot of system environments and applications. You may need to convert an STL file to PDF in your .NET based applications. Below are the steps for STL to PDF conversion:

  1. Load input STL image
  2. Initialize PdfOptions class instance
  3. Convert STL to PDF file with Save method

The code snippet below shows how to convert STL to PDF programmatically with C#:

Convert STL to PNG Image Programmatically with C#

You can convert STL files to PNG images for quick preview of data and information. The steps below explain the process for converting STL files:

  1. Load source STL file as input
  2. Initialize PngOptions class instance
  3. Convert STL to PNG and save the output

The following code elaborates how to follow these steps to convert STL to PNG image programmatically in C#:


In these sections, we have learned how to convert or export STL files to PDF or PNG image using C# code in your .NET based applications. Likewise, several other CAD-related conversions and manipulations are key features of the API. You may explore it further by reading through the Documentation. You can also discuss your concerns with us via Free Support Forum if you need any help creating a POC for your requirements. We would be honored to assist you!

See Also

Convert PLT to PDF or JPEG Image Programmatically in C#