Create MS Excel Spreadsheets in C++ without MS Office – A Comprehensive Guide

Create Excel Files in C++

Previously, I have written a post on how to implement Excel automation features and create Excel XLS/XLSX files from scratch using C#. Today, I’ll show you how to create Excel workbooks, insert data to Excel worksheets, calculate formulas, and create charts and tables in worksheets using C++. All the spreadsheet automation features will be powered by C++ Excel API – Aspose.Cells for C++.

Aspose.Cells for C++ is a native C++ library that lets you create, read, parse, and convert spreadsheet documents without requiring Microsoft Excel. It provides a complete set of Excel automation features that can be utilized to generate and manipulate XLS/XLSX spreadsheets. In this article, we’ll cover the following features of creating Excel XLS/XLSX files from scratch.

C++ Excel Spreadsheet API – Installation

You can download the complete package of library files of Aspose.Cells for C++ from the Downloads section. The package also contains a ready-to-run sample console application.

Create Excel Files (XLS/XLSX) using C++

Lets first create a simple Excel XLSX workbook from scratch. A workbook is composed of one or multiple worksheets and each worksheet contains the data in the form of rows and columns. Therefore, in order to create an Excel spreadsheet, you need to create a workbook first and then add worksheets in it. The following are the steps to create an Excel file using Aspose.Cells for C++.

The following code sample shows how to create an Excel XLSX file using C++.

Excel Workbook

The following is the screenshot of the Excel workbook we have just created.

Create Excel XLSX in C++

Add Data to an Excel Worksheet using C++

In the previous example, we have seen how to create a simple Excel file and insert value to a particular cell using row and column index. However, most often the cells in the Excel worksheets are identified using the column letter and row numbers such as A1, A2, B1, and etc. So let’s look at the example of how to insert data into the worksheet using the cell names. The process only differs in adding value to cell and all other steps of creating the Excel workbook and worksheets are the same.

The following code sample shows how to create an Excel XLSX workbook and insert data into it using C++.

Calculate Workbook Formulas using C++

Setting formulas in Excel workbooks is an amazing feature to perform calculations on data. It makes it quite easier to perform complex calculations on the data effectively and efficiently. The following are the steps to set and calculate formulas in Excel worksheets.

The following code sample shows how to add and calculate formulas in an Excel XLSX workbook using C++.

Create Tables in an Excel Worksheet using C++

The tables in Excel worksheets are used to organize a group of data located in a range of cells. Tables also help you maintain different types of lists in the worksheets. The following are the steps to create a table in the Excel worksheet.

The following code sample shows how to create a table in Excel XLSX file using C++.

Excel Workbook with Table

Create Table in Excel in C++

Create Charts in Excel Spreadsheet using C++

Charts in Excel spreadsheets are used to visualize the data using different types of graphical objects. They give us a quick insight and understanding of the data particularly when data is huge. Aspose.Cells for C++ supports a variety of charts including Sunburst, Treemap, Histogram, Pyramid, Bubble, Line, and many more. The following are the steps to create a chart in Excel workbook using Aspose.Cells for C++.

The following code sample shows how to create a chart in Excel XLSX file using C++.

Excel Workbook with Chart

Create Chart in Excel in C++


In this article, we have covered how to create MS Excel spreadsheets from scratch using C++. The article also contains step by step guidelines and code samples on how to create tables, charts, and calculate formulas in Excel worksheets. You can learn more about other advanced features related to Excel automation from the documentation of Aspose.Cells for C++.

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