Aspose.Tasks for C++ Released with Exciting and New Features

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We are pleased to roll out the news for Aspose.Tasks for C++, which is in fact a new milestone achieved in Aspose.Tasks API product family. The API (written in C++) is designed to be used with C++ language in variety of platforms like Windows, Linux and UNIX. Aspose.Tasks can be used with any kind of application from console-based to desktop-based applications. The maiden release of this API has been ported from Aspose.Tasks for .NET 19.9 and contain all the features available till to date Aspose.Tasks for 19.9.

Features offered by Aspose.Tasks for C++

Aspose.Tasks for C++ is product that allows an extensive manipulation of MS Project file formats. The product does not require Microsoft Project to be installed. It allows editing the Project files, rendering to PDF, Images and HTML. This product allows different automation scenarios that help developers on their way. The following are some of salient features in API.

  • Read, change and write Microsoft Project® documents
  • Read MPP projects (native MS Project format) and XML project formats. MS Project 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 MPP formats are supported
  • Create, update and write projects in XML project format
  • Read MPP project files, update their summary information and write them in original MPP format
  • Read MPP project files and convert them to XML format using
  • Aspose.Tasks for C++ (the XML can be manipulated by implementing a custom XML parser)
  • Change main project settings like schedule type, start and finish dates
  • Change default project settings like default standard rate, default overtime rate, default task type, default fixed cost accrual, etc
  • Manage extended attributes
  • Define weekdays for the project
  • Define weekdays for calendars and calendar exceptions
  • Read and write calendars for tasks and resources
  • Manage task baseline scheduling and duration
  • Handle constraints on tasks
  • Create and manage links between tasks
  • Read, change and create tasks, milestone, estimated critical or effort driven tasks
  • Manage resources costs and variances
  • Access assignment costs and budget
  • Support for the encoding of MPX files
  • Resource prefix implementation for nested resources
  • Support of setting CSS prefix for HTML export
  • Set custom date format while exporting to PDF format

Initial Release Availability

The product documentation provides fully featured demos and working examples written in C++ for a quick start of API. The demos help developers gain a good understanding of the component’s features quickly.

For an incurring issue in API, you can reach us on Aspose.Tasks forum for your queries/inquiries related to the API and we will be more than happy to assist you in this regard.