Add Watermark to DWG CAD Drawings using C# and Java

Here comes a new release of Aspose.CAD for .NET, Java 19.9, which has been enriched with new features. As a standard practice, the Aspose team publishes both .NET and Java-based API having the same features sets simultaneously. I will be giving you an overview of Common File format, layout size, and watermark.

Add Watermark in DWG – C# and Java

Watermark prevents anyone from making use of your propriety images or files. If you add them you will be able to protect your work and discourage anyone who wants to use your image or files to promote their project or business from doing without your permission. Aspose.CAD allows you to add a watermark in a DWG file. This can be done through creating a Text or MText entity with a specific text height, rotation, style, adjustments, and such should be adjusted as well to give a good look.

The code below shows how to achieve the goal using Aspose.CAD for .NET.

The similar Java based example for this is:

Support for Common File Format

A CF2 file is a three-dimensional design that can be processed by CAD/CAM software and hardware devices. For example, it may store the shape and design of a cardboard box before it is folded. Aspose.CAD provides the facility to load common file format and convert them to other format like PDF.

The following code sample shows how to load a common file format file and convert it to PDF.

The similar Java based example for this is:

Create Single PDF with Different Layout Sizes

Layout is the art of manipulating the user’s attention on a page to convey meaning, sequence, and points of interaction. Aspose.CAD allows you to convert DWG file to single PDF with different layout sizes.

The code below shows how to achieve the goal using Aspose.CAD for .NET.

The similar Java based example for this is:

Support for OLE objects

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a Microsoft Windows feature that allows you to copy or move information from one application to another while you retain the ability to edit the information in the original application. Aspose.CAD now supports exporting embedded OLE objects from DWG format.

The code below shows how to achieve the goal using Aspose.CAD for .NET.

The similar Java based example for this is:

You can check the official product release notes for many other issues and enhancements carried out in the product as well. Here you can get the detail!

When time allows you can check out API examples at Github, talk about this release and other API related issues in our forum.