Insert Hyperlinks to Report using LINQ Reporting in Aspose.Words for .NET 19.10

We at Aspose are honored to announce the October release i.e. Aspose.Words for .NET 19.10. You can now download it and use it in .NET applications. let us check out what is new for you in this release.

Insert Hyperlink Dynamically using LINQ Reporting Engine

We have added new features in the LINQ Reporting engine i.e. insert the hyperlink to your report document dynamically using link tags. The syntax of a link tag is defined as follows.

<<link [uri_or_bookmark_expression] [display_text_expression]>>

Please read the following article for more detail:
Inserting Hyperlinks Dynamically

Work with Document’s Text Direction

In this release, we have added a new property DocumentDirection in TxtLoadOptions class to get or set the text direction (RTL / LTR) of the text document. You can use DocumentDirection enumeration to set the value of this property.

The following code example shows how to detect the text direction of the document after importing the TXT file.

We recommend you please check the release notes of Aspose.Words for .NET 19.10 for complete detail of API changes.

When time allows you can check Aspose.Words’ API reference guide, examples at Github, talk about this release, and other API related issues in our forum.