Deskewing Images using C# or Java with Aspose.Imaging

Hello readers, in this blog I would like to introduce you with new features included in Aspose.Imaging 19.9. The best thing about Aspose team is that it releases both .NET and Java-based APIs simultaneously every month. This way both API user remain recurrent with changes being made in APIs every month.

In the following sections, I am going to give you a walk through of what new features have been included in API.

Deskew a Scanned Image

Skew is an artifact that might appear during document scanning process and it consists of getting the document’s text/images be rotated at a slight angle. It can have various causes but the most common are paper getting misplaced during a scan. Therefore, deskew is the process of detecting and fixing this issue on scanned files (ie, bitmap) so deskewed images will have the text/images correctly and horizontally aligned.

The following examples demonstrate use of de-skewing an image using API.

The similar Java based implementation is like as under:

Performance Improvements in API

As against previous API versions, we have tend to improve the API performance in many areas when performing different operations including:

  • Raster Images filtering operations
  • Dithering operations in Raster Images
  • Image resize operations

Wait, there’s many other features, enhancement, and bug fixes included in this release. Here you can get the detail!

When time allows you can check out API examples at Github, talk about this release and other API related issues in our forum.