Tag Tables in PDF Document for Accessibility using Aspose.PDF for .NET

Aspose.PDF for .NET has been maintaining its usability since the beginning by offering exciting and most appealing features consistently. Speaking of which, a new monthly release of the API has already been rolled out and it does not disappoint you because of useful enhancements and productive features. You are going to have a quick tour of what’s new in the API and why you should not be holding yourself from upgrading your recent version. Let’s have insights into what Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.6 has brought and how you can consume it for better productivity and impeccable PDF Documents generation.

Create Accessible PDFs with Tagged Tables

Tagging tables inside PDF is quite important as it helps ensure that the data listed is listed out in a clear and concise manner. A tagged table makes it easier for users to read content in very long tables with repetitive data and also makes it accessible for any viewers who interact with your content that may be using accessible programs.

You can now tag tables in PDF Document for Accessibility using Aspose.PDF for .NET. For the purpose, it provides TableElement Class. In order to create table, you can use CreateTableElement() Method of ITaggedContent Interface. Following is complete code example which can be followed in order to achieve full functionality:

Styling Table Elements

Styling table elements is as much important and demanding as creating them. It gives a better and professional look to your content inside PDF document and helps users during reading it. Aspose.PDF for .NET allows you to apply styling to table elements i.e. Table Content, Table Row and Table Cells. Properties like following can be specified using offered classes by the API in order to apply to style:

  • BackgroundColor
  • Border
  • Alignment
  • CornerStyle
  • Broken
  • ColumnAdjustment
  • ColumnWidths
  • DefaultCellBorder
  • DefaultCellPadding
  • DefaultCellTextState
  • DefaultColumnWidth
  • IsBroken
  • IsBordersIncluded
  • Left
  • Top

Complete and fully-functional examples are given in API documentation which will show you how to style tagged table content in PDF documents. You can find these examples over the following links:

More Enhancements and Features

We are not over yet as this release of the API has very much to offer. Along with the functionalities discussed above, Aspose.PDF for .NET offers the following useful enhancements and new features:

Convert Markdown to PDF

You can now convert a Markdown data file into PDF using the API. In order to do that, you simply have to utilize API with few lines of code as follows:

Set Default Font while Generating Images from PDF Pages

Sometimes due to an absent font, you are unable to get correct output while converting PDF Pages into Images. You can now set Default Font Name during rendering PDF Pages to Images if a font is not available in the document. Following code snippet shows you how:

Useful Fixes

Following are useful fixes which API includes in this revision:

  • Font colors rendering is improved during PDF to HTML Conversion
  • HtmlFragment functionality has been rectified
  • PDF to JPG Conversion has been improvised
  • Memory consumption and usage has been optimized
  • HTML to PDF Conversion is further improved
  • Text Searching Algorithms have been improved further
  • Document Flattening functionality has been rectified for better performance

You can view detailed information in release notes page of the API in documentation. Feel free to reach us in case of any inquiry or required assistance. Keep yourself in touch with us so that you won’t miss another update about future revision of the API.