Encoding MPX Files in C# or Java using Aspose.Tasks

aspose-tasks-for-netHi friends! In today’s blog, I will be giving you tour of latest Aspose.Tasks 19.4. The commendable thing about Aspose team is that it publishes both .NET and Java based API for Aspose.Tasks simultaneously every month. Both .NET and Java based variants are at same level in terms of features and both API users may explore the new features in their respective environments. In following section, I will be discussing about new features and improvement carried in API.

Encoding Microsoft Project File Exchange (MPX) Files

MPX is a ASCII coded text based file format used by Microsoft Project. It’s mainly used for transferring project data between different versions of Project. These files can also be opened by some project planning programs, such as Primavera Project Planner etc.

With this new support available, one can also import data from Primavera MPX file format too. In following example, you may observe a scenario importing data from Primavera MPX file format.

The similar Java based implementation for the same is like as under:

Rendering Improvements

In this release the focus has also been set on improvement of rendering performance of API. For that matter, limitations like missing header footer information, improper Gantt chart colors in rendered images or PDFs have also been addressed

Hold on, there’s many other features, enhancement, and bug fixes included in this release. Here you can get the detail!

We have also maintained the working sample examples for both .NET and Java based APIs on Github so that users may right away use different samples and explore API features. You may also talk about API related issues with us in our product support forum.