Support of JDK 10 and 11 available in Aspose.PDF for Java 18.12

We at Aspose are gratified to announce that latest version i.e. Aspose.PDF for Java 18.12 has been rolled out. As per the regular monthly update process, attractive features and enhancement have been introduced in the latest release of the API to improve its usability and make it more user friendly. Release notes page of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.12 contains detailed information about what has been changed and introduced new in the API. It is strongly recommended to have a look into release notes section of the API before using it in your environment.

JDK 10 and 11 Support Available

We are honored to add support for JDK 10 and 11. Now the API is compatible with latest JDKs and environment friendly. The API has been completely optimized to be compatible with both Java Versions and all maintenance tests were executed fine.

JDK 11 Compatibility and Usage Guidelines

Since the API is fully optimized to be used with Java 11 however, for some classes you should add external dependency to add classpath of the Class: javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter, which was deleted from JRE. Furthermore, some API Classes are using JDK internal API i.e. java.base and java.desktop but, removal of such dependencies has been scheduled already and we will be modifying API code accordingly to make it more efficient.

Miscellaneous Fixes

Along with the features mentioned above, following are some useful fixes which have been included in latest release of the API:

  • License Setting mechanism has been improved
  • Text Extraction Scenarios have been made better
  • PCL to PDF Conversion Engine has been improved
  • Font handling and rendering has been improved further

As it is always recommended to use the latest release of our API’s because they include the latest features/improvements and fixes related to issues reported in earlier released versions. Therefore, please download the latest release of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.12.