Retrieve Raw Properties of Images and Set Locale for Aspose.PDF

We are pleased to announce the monthly release of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8 which is available on Aspose Artifactory for download and to be used in Java Applications. New features and enhancements have been added in the latest release of the API. Along with that, several fixes to bugs reported in the earlier version(s) of the API are also included in this version. Before downloading and using the latest version of the API in your Java Applications, we recommend you go through release notes page of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8 to have an insight into what has been changed and introduced new in the API.

The following sections provide insights into major enhancements and improvements in Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8.

Retrieve Raw Properties of Images

In order to extract raw properties of the image from PDF document, a new subclass for com.aspose.pdf.XImage.RawParameters has been added which exposes the properties of an image like Type, Name, BitsPerComponent, DecodeParms and etc. This feature of the API has been showcased in public API documentation and can be checked over the following link:

Set Locale for Aspose.PDF

Whenever an unrecognized locale is encountered, the standard behavior is to fallback to the parts of the locale that are recognized. This behavior is generally present in Java Applications. In order to deal with such scenarios where it is necessary to specify/set locale, a new method i.e. com.aspose.pdf.LocaleOptions.setLocale() has been added in the latest release of the API which can be used to set locale. Please note that The Aspose.PDF for Java library cannot support locales with specific combination language-country (such as “en-KR”) but, a new feature for setting the classical locale for Aspose.PDF has been implemented. For further information regarding the feature, please visit following link of API documentation:

Miscellaneous Fixes

Along with the features and enhancements mentioned above, followings are useful improvements and bug fixes included in latest release of API:

  • PDF to PDF/A conversion engine has been improved
  • Feature to add images inside PDF has further been improved
  • Improve font handling feature

As it is always recommended to use latest release of our API’s because they include latest features/improvements and fixes related to issues reported in earlier released versions. Therefore, please download the latest release of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8.