Set Locale and Create Reviewer using Aspose.Diagram for .NET and Java

We are pleased to announce the August release of Aspose.Diagram API with version 18.8 which is available for download and to be used in both .NET and Java Platforms. Various enhancements and bug fixes have been made to the library to improve its usability and performance. If you are planning to upgrade to latest version of the API, we strongly recommend you to go through the release notes section of both .NET and Java APIs in public API documentation. Release notes of the mentioned version of the API can be checked over following links:

In order to download Aspose.Diagram 18.8 for .NET/Java, please visit the following links:

Set Locale with Aspose.Diagram for Java

As per general behavior in Java Applications when an unrecognized locale is encountered, they fall to the parts of locale settings which is recognized. In the earlier version(s) of the API, API was unable to demonstrate such behavior in Java Applications. Setting different locales support has been added in the latest release of the API and you can set locale as per your requirements using following code snippet:

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions(LoadFileFormat.VDX);
Diagram diagram = new Diagram("test.vdx", loadOptions);

Support to Create New Reviewer

While creating comments in a Diagram, sometime you have a requirement to specify reviewer for comments. In order to specify different reviewers for different comments, new support has been added in Aspose.Diagram API. You can use following code snippet to implement this new feature:

Reviewer viewer = new Reviewer();
viewer.Name.Value ="test";
viewer.ReviwerID.Value = 3;

Miscellaneous Fixes

Along with the features and enhancements mentioned above, following are various fixes which have been made in latest version of the API:

  • Improved Image Rendering
  • VSD to other file formats conversion has been further improved
  • Diagram saving has been improved to work effeciently
  • Improved Shapes Processing in a VDX file

Aspose.Diagram for .NET and Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.Diagram for .NET and Java APIs: