Improved Rendering of HTML Files with Aspose.HTML for .NET and Java API

We are pleased to announce the August release of Aspose.HTML API. We have further improved the rendering of a HTML file to PDF format file in this release. The cross-platform feature of the API has also been enhanced as we have improved rendering into output devices running under .NET Standard on Linux platform.  For an overview of other enhancements and bug fixes, you may refer to Release Notes (.NET) or Release Notes (Java). To download the latest versions of Aspose.HTML for .NET and Java APIs, you can follow below links:

Enhanced Rendering of HTML to Images

Some issues which were incurred in previous versions of the API while rendering HTML documents to TIFF or PNG format images have been rectified in this release. Now Opacity of an image is maintained during rendering. This rendering has also been enhanced by resolving occurrences of some file-specific exceptions.

Aspose.HTML Resources

Please visit the following resources for further information regarding Aspose.HTML for .NET and Java APIs.