Create 3D Models and Animated 3D Scenes using Java

We are pleased to announce that the first version 18.5 of Aspose.3D for Java API has been released. Aspose.3D for Java API has incorporated import and export features, and developers would be able to convert their 3D models to any supported 3D formats. All readable and writable supported file formats are listed in these help topics: Read 3D document and Save 3D document.

Create an Animated Scene in Java

Aspose.3D for Java API supports rendering the animated scene, and the help topic narrates prerequisites to move an object. Developers can also set up the Camera with a target to constrain.

Please refer to this help topic: Add Animation Property and Setup Target Camera in 3D document

Create Primitive 3D Shapes and Convert Meshes to Binary Format

Aspose.3D for Java API includes support of creating 3D scene from scratch, defining Metadata of the 3D scene, creating primitive 3D Shapes and visiting sub nodes to convert meshes to custom binary format. Please refer to following help topics:

Manipulate Objects in 3D Scene

With Aspose.3D for Java API, developers can generate and store tangent and binormal data for all meshes. The tangent and bitangent are orthogonal vectors with the Normal and instruct about the rate of change of the texture coordinates over the mesh surface. Developers can also triangulate mesh, split mesh, convert primitive shapes to meshes, encode 3D mesh in the Google Draco file, convert all Polygons to triangles and generate normal data for all meshes of the 3D scene. Please refer to these help topics:

Work with Geometric Data of 3D Scene

Aspose.3D for Java API supports rotating objects in a 3D scene, add node hierarchy, share geometry data of mesh between multiple nodes, concatenate Quaternions apply to 3D objects, define Mesh from scratch, set up normals or UV on objects and also add Material. All code examples are available in these help topics: 

Aspose.3D for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.3D for Java: