Support for setting custom SmartArt node position available in Aspose.Slides

aspose-slides-for-cpp We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for C++ 18.5. This is one of important releases where we have included improved SmartArt shape management support in API along with resolution of issues incurring in product.


Following features have been included in this release.

  • Support for setting custom position for child nodes in SmartArt.

  • Issues Resolved

    Following enhancements and issues have been fixed in this release.

    • Set Number of Nodes on Row level.

    • Rendering comments from ODP format.

    • Fix the differences between drawing arrow caps in C++ and .NET.

    • Fix graphics primitives drawing using a pen with tiny width.

    • Fix incorrect spacing of a text containing unicode punctuation modifiers.

    Please refer to the release notes of Aspose.Slides for C++ 18.5 for a full view of improvements along with sample code snippets for newly added features. If you are planning to upgrade the API to the latest revision, we strongly suggest you to check the Public API Changes section to know what has been changed in the public API since your current version.

    Aspose.Slides for C++ Resources

    The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks:

    As always, we appreciate your feedback so if you ever have anything to share with us about this release or anything else, please feel free to contact us in Aspose.Slides forum.