.NET Email API – Improved Performance in v18.4

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 18.4. This release is a sort of maintenance release where the API functionality has been improved as a result of several bug fixes. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API.

Improvements in Aspose.Email for .NET 18.4

This release includes several improvements to the API’s functionality. There are certain backward incompatibility changes as well which will need you to update the code samples with the new ones. Following is a list of issues fixed in this month’s release.

  • Loss of embedded images during EML to MSG conversion
  • Corrupt MHTML generation from EML
  • The issue with listing messages by page from Exchange server
  • Missing attachment file name from inline attachments
  • Saving of activity logs to the same output file for email clients
  • Formatting distortion when printing MSG to XPS
  • The issue with text formatting not correct while creating XPS from EML
  • The issue with email addresses in TNEF message
  • Out of memory exception with message

Please note that non-parameterized collections from .NET 1.0 have been replaced with generic analogs. All classes from System.Collections have been replaced with System.Collections.Generic classes.

API Resources

The following API resources can be of help to you in getting started with Aspose.Email API.