Dynecon developed Business Process Automation and Data-driven Workflow Automation as a custom-built solution using Aspose APIs

About Dynecon

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DYNECON is an Advanced Infrastructure Services consultancy founded on principles of integrity, quality, and trust. We are truly dedicated to our employees, clients, and community and focus on technology areas that are prevalent in the industry and consistent with both emerging and sustainment technologies. Our team is a dedicated group of experts that deliver quality deliverables using proven methodology and execute strategies that are critical for sustainability and profitability.

In addition to its professional services offerings, DYNECON also helps its clients develop Business Process Automation and data-driven Workflow Automation using custom-built solutions leveraging commercial off-the-shelf products and rapid application development products.


There is a significant advantage in being able to generate Microsoft compatible file-formats seamlessly from data-driven sources used in its custom process automation solutions. Dynecon needed a solution that generated Microsoft compatible Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and Visio diagrams from customer-generated data. Additionally, Dynecon needed the ability to use the Aspose .NET libraries to seamlessly transform generated artifacts to an enterprise Wiki without losing the ability to “transform back”.

Since Dynecon’s engineering and process automation documents are built using custom data-driven applications, the ability to generate Microsoft interoperable files and reports was critical.


Dynecon’s initial research determined that Aspose’s .NET libraries could programmatically generate Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides, Visio diagrams, and Adobe PDF documents.

During its pilot testing, Dynecon was able to leverage Aspose’s libraries to seamlessly and reliably generate Microsoft compatible files using data generated and extracted from its clients’ enterprise data sources – using its customized .NET wrapper.

Currently, we are using Aspose.Total for .NET to automate engineering workflows and business processes using COTS products and plan to make it a standard part of our ‘platform’ offering to our clients.

Preview of output generated with Aspose.Words for .NET
Image 1:- Aspose.Words for .NET output for Fully Templatized Engineering Document

The figure above is an example of a template created by the Aspose Words .NET library – allowing us to programmatically automate the engineering workflows. In addition to the Word template, we have been able to use Aspose.Cells for .NET to produce inline sheets and embed them into the final outputs:

Automated table created using Aspose.Cells for .NET
Image 2:- Aspose.Cells for .NET Automated Table Creation


Aspose was on the shortlist based on the number of file types that we wanted to support for our custom solution. We evaluated several products including Microsoft’s own products for file generation and found that our experience using Aspose was extremely positive. The implementation and integration of Aspose into Dynecon’s custom solution was seamless.


As a next step, we plan to leverage more of Aspose’s more than 100 other file formats using their native APIs for .NET.


Our overall experience with Aspose’s product has been very impressive. Aspose integration into our product suite reduced our internal product development overhead and ensured accurate and reliable generation of files in a seamless and secure manner. We at Dynecon wish Aspose all the very best and look forward to its future product roadmap in line with our continued association and the mutual success of our products.