Options of Subscript and Small Caps for PSD Rendering using Java

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Imaging for Java 18.3. We have added support for some of the new features in this API along with the resolution of incurring issues in API.


The following features have been introduced in this release.


The following enhancements have been introduced in this release.

  • Concatenating TIFF images into single TIFF image is throwing exception.
  • Fix EMF image export without license.
  • ODG to JPEG not properly converted.
  • TIFF rotation without changing BPP.
  • SVG with external resources not loaded.
  • The exception is thrown on EMF export to WMF with text rotation.
  • Some public properties of ReaderDicomFileInfo class are missing in the newest versions of Aspose.Imaging (starting from v16.12).
  • Exception on loading image.
  • Image load exception is thrown on loading BMP.
  • DICOM file not properly converted to PNG after resize.
  • An exception raises while saving to TIFF format.
  • Conversion BMP to PNG throws an exception.
  • Tiff with embedded color profiles, generated by Aspose.Imaging is not compatible with Photoshop.
  • Saving SVG with fonts embedded or exported for Linux.
  • Exception on loading BMP Images.
  • Darker colors and color reproducibility.

Please refer to the release notes of Aspose.Imaging for Java 18.3 for a full view of improvements along with sample code snippets for newly added features. If you are planning to upgrade the API to the latest revision, we strongly suggest you to check the Public API Changes section to know what has been changed in the public API since your current version.

Aspose.Imaging for Java Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks:

As always we appreciate your feedback so if you ever have anything to tell us about this release or anything else, please head to the Aspose.Imaging forum for a chat.