Dynamic Chart Series and Individual Series Points Coloring in LINQ Reporting Engine – Aspose.Words for Android via Java 18.3

Aspose.Words for Android via Java

We are pleased to announce the new monthly release of Aspose.Words for Android via Java 18.3. Aspose.Words for Android via Java has full functionality of Aspose.Words for Java with few limitations, minor API changes and additional requirements. This version also includes all bug fixes and public API changes made in Aspose.Words for Java 18.3, see following release notes for more information.

Aspose.Words for Java 18.3 release notes
Aspose.Words for Android via Java 18.3 release notes

Aspose.Words for Android via Java 18.3 now allows you to perform following tasks:

Here is a look at just a few of the biggest features and API changes in this month’s release.

  • Public API to get Subject and Issuer names from DigitalCertificate (instead obsolete properties).
  • Add support of CssClassNamesPrefix in HtmlSaveOptions
  • A number of obsolete properties were removed from PdfSaveOptions class. Please refer to public API changes section for details
  • PdfSaveOptions.EscapeUri property was added to allow the usage of custom URI strings without the automatic escape while rendering into PDF
  • The automatic font color calculation now takes the fill of the background shape into account while rendering
  • Added fallback rendering for Unicode range [U+1F300; U+1F5FF] – Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs; This range includes such symbols as Emoji and alike
  • Implemented processing of empty EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW records in metafiles rendering
  • Improved rendering of DML Chart plot area with a manual layout. The additional offset is calculated for the rotated labels of horizontal axis
  • Fixed a bug where the gradient brush with transformation would mess up the texture upon rendering. Texture scaling improved
  • Fixed a problem of axis scaling when rendering DML Charts with Arial Narrow font
  • Fixed a bug causing freezes when converting to PDF a document with DML Charts with a huge number of data points
  • Fixed a symbol positioning bug when rendering MathML equations
  • A reflection effect is now applied correctly for 3D rotated WordArt objects

‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ is an advanced Word document processing API to perform a wide range of document processing tasks directly within your native Android applications. Aspose.Words for Android via Java API supports DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML, OpenDocument, PDF, XPS, EPUB and other formats. You can generate, modify, convert and render documents.
Learn more about Aspose.Words for Android via Java

Aspose.Words for Android via Java API Resources

The following are the links to some useful resources you may need to accomplish your tasks.

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You can easily download ‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ API for evaluation. The evaluation download is the same as the purchased download. The evaluation version simply becomes licensed when you add a few lines of code to apply the license.

The evaluation version of Aspose.Words for Android via Java (without a license specified) provides full product functionality, but it inserts an evaluation watermark at the top of the document on open and save, and limits the maximum document size to several hundred paragraphs.

If you want to test ‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ API without the evaluation version limitations, you can also request a 30-day Temporary License. Please refer to How to get a Temporary License?