Improved Page Splitting Algorithms in Aspose.HTML for Java 17.12

We at Aspose are glad to announce the latest release of Aspose.HTML for Java, which can be downloaded from Maven repository. Following our monthly release process, we have enhanced present features and have included new enhancements in Aspose.HTML API. Furthermore, we have also fixed some bugs which were incurring in previous versions of the API. You can refer to the summary of public API changes and improvements in release notes of Aspose.HTML for Java 17.12.

We have enhanced support for Z-Index positioning in the CSS file. It has been enhanced to support the specifications listed by W3Schools. You can set position as absolute, number or auto, as no content will be overlapped by other elements. We have also rectified issues pertaining to page splitting algorithms and Aspose.HTML for Java 17.12 renders the pages as you see them with Print Preview option in the browser.

We are striving to make this API second to none, so several internal improvements have also been made. Resultantly, this version better renders a HTML file to a PDF and XPS file, as compared to previous versions of Aspose.HTML for Java. Problems with incorrect calculation of ColSpan, as well as some shortcomings with incorrect processing of CSS styles have been resolved.

Miscellaneous Resources

Please visit the following links for information regarding Aspose.HTML for Java 17.12 and Release Notes section.