Create PDF Bookmark for Chart Sheet in C# using Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.1

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for .NET v18.1. We have added some useful features and enhancements regarding Pivot Tables, Charts, and Excel to HTML renderings. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been enhanced or fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for .NET. You can also install Aspose for .NET APIs directly from NuGet repository.

Create PdfBookmarkEntry for Chart Sheet using C#

In previous versions, we can create PdfBookmarkEntry for normal sheets only. But now Aspose.Cells can also create PdfBookmarkEntry for chart sheet. Since the chart sheet does not have any other cell except cell A1, so it will create PdfBookmarkEntry for cell A1 only. The following sample code loads an Excel file that has four sheets in it. Two of them are normal sheets and others are chart sheets. It creates four bookmarks, one for each sheet.

Please see the document/article with attachment(s) on how to create bookmarks for the chart sheet for your reference.

Convert Excel to HTML – Exclude Unused Styles

Microsoft Excel file may contain many unnecessary unused styles. When you export the Excel file to an HTML file format, these unused styles are also exported. This could increase the size of HTML. You can exclude the unused styles during the conversion of Excel file to HTML using the HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property.

For more detail on the feature, please see this article/document for your reference.

Export Document, Workbook and Worksheet Properties in Excel to HTML

When Microsoft Excel file is exported to HTML using Microsoft Excel or Aspose.Cells APIs, it also exports various types of Document, Workbook, and Worksheet properties. You can avoid exporting these properties by setting the HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties, HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorkbookProperties and HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties as false. The default value of these properties is true. For more detail, please see this article.

Find and Refresh the Nested or Children Pivot Tables of Parent Pivot Table

A Pivot table may use other pivot tables as a data source. Such a Pivot table is called a child or nested Pivot table to its parent Pivot table. You can find the children Pivot tables for a parent Pivot table using the PivotTable.GetChildren() method. For more detail, please see this article.

Parse Pivot Cached Records while Loading Excel file

When you create a Pivot Table, Microsoft Excel takes a copy of the source data and stores it in the Pivot Cache. The Pivot Cache is held inside the memory of Microsoft Excel. When you load your Excel file inside the Workbook object, you can decide whether you also want to load the records of Pivot Cache or not, using the LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property. The default value of this property is false. If Pivot Cache is quite big, it can increase the performance. For more detail, please see this article.

Handle Events after Deleting Rows and Columns in GridDesktop

Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop has introduced two new events i.e. AfterDeleteColumns and AfterDeleteRows. These events are fired when you delete column(s) and row(s) respectively. For more detail, please see this article.

Other Enhancements and Fixes

There are some other enhancements included and a few exceptions handled in the new release for the users. A few of the worth mentioning features and other enhancements are as follows.

In Aspose.Cells 18.1, we fixed several important bugs and other issues. For example, issues around reading/writing MS Excel file formats, manipulating Ole Objects in Excel file, rendering Excel to HTML and vice versa, converting SpreadsheetML to XLSX,  import custom objects to Excel sheet, rendering and manipulating charts, manipulating PivotTables, rendering images from Excel worksheetsrendering images files from charts and exporting Excel workbooks to PDF format have been resolved. Moreover, the Aspose.Cells formula calculation engine is also optimized.

Changes to the Public API

This version of Aspose.Cells for .NET has made some changes to the Public API. A few of the worth mentioning changes are as follow:

  • Added LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property, it indicates whether parsing pivot cached records when loading the file. The default value is false.
  • Added HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property, it indicates whether excluding unused styles.The default value is false.
  • Added HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties property, it indicates whether exporting document properties.The default value is true.
  • Added HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties property, it indicates whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true.
  • Added PivotTable.GetChildren() method, it gets the the children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.

Aspose.Cells for .NET Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks: