Read and Write External Connection of XLSB file, Query Cell Areas Mapped to XmlMap Path and Implement Cell.FormulaLocal in Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 17.12

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 17.12. This release includes a number of features, enhancements and bug fixes that further improve the overall stability and usability of the API. We also recommend our clients to use the powerful Aspose for Java APIs directly in their Maven Projects with simple configurations. Please check the release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java. While you are downloading the latest build, here is a look at the most worth mentioning features in this release.

Read and Write External Connection of XLSB file

Aspose.Cells already supports read and write external connection of xlsx file but now, it also supports this feature for xlsb file. However, the code is same for both types of format. Please see the following article that explains how to make use of this feature.

Specify how to cross string in output HTML using HtmlCrossType

When cell contains text or string but it is larger than the width of the cell, then the string overflows if the next cell in next column is null or empty. When you save your Excel file into HTML, you can control this overflow by specifying the cross type using the HtmlCrossType enumeration.

Interrupt or Cancel the Formula Calculation of Workbook

Aspose.Cells provides a mechanism to interrupt or cancel the formula calculation of workbook using the AbstractCalculationMonitor.interrupt() method. This is useful when formula calculation of workbook is taking too much time and you want to cancel its processing.

//Implement calculation monitor class
class clsCalculationMonitor extends AbstractCalculationMonitor
    public void beforeCalculate(int sheetIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex)
        //Find the cell name
        String cellName = CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(rowIndex, colIndex);
        //Print the sheet, row and column index as well as cell name
        System.out.println(sheetIndex + "----" + rowIndex + "----" + colIndex + "----" + cellName);
        //If cell name is B8, interrupt/cancel the formula calculation
        if (cellName.equals("B8") == true)
            this.interrupt("Interrupt/Cancel the formula calculation");
public void Run() throws Exception
    //Load the sample Excel file
    Workbook wb = new Workbook(dirPath + "sampleCalculationMonitor.xlsx");
    //Create calculation options and assign instance of calculation monitor class
    CalculationOptions opts = new CalculationOptions();
    opts.setCalculationMonitor(new clsCalculationMonitor());
    //Calculate formula with calculation options

Set the Values Format Code of Chart Series

You can set the values format code of chart series using the Series.ValuesFormatCode property. This property is not only useful for the series which are based on the range inside the worksheet but also works well for the series created with array of values.

Utilize Sheet.SheetId property of OpenXml using Aspose.Cells

Sheet.SheetId property is found inside the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet namespace and is part of OpenXml. You can see this property and its value inside workbook.xml. Aspose.Cells provides the equivalent property as Worksheet.TabId.

Find the root element name of Xml Map

Aspose.Cells allows you to find the root element name of XML map using XmlMap.RootElementName property. For more detail, please see this article.

Query Cell Areas Mapped to Xml Map Path

You can query cell areas mapped to xml map path with Aspose.Cells using the Worksheet.xmlMapQuery() method. If the path exists, it will return the list of cell areas related to that path inside xml map. The first parameter of Worksheet.xmlMapQuery() method specifies the xml element path and the second parameter specifies the xml map you want to query.

The following sample code queries the xml map two times and prints the list of cell areas returned by the Worksheet.xmlMapQuery() method on console.

//Load sample Excel file having Xml Map
Workbook wb = new Workbook(dirPath + "sampleXmlMapQuery.xlsx");

//Access first XML Map
XmlMap xmap = wb.getWorksheets().getXmlMaps().get(0);

//Access first worksheet
Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Query Xml Map from Path - /MiscData
System.out.println("Query Xml Map from Path - /MiscData");
ArrayList ret = ws.xmlMapQuery("/MiscData", xmap);

//Print returned ArrayList values
for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++)


//Query Xml Map from Path - /MiscData/row/Color
System.out.println("Query Xml Map from Path - /MiscData/row/Color");
ret = ws.xmlMapQuery("/MiscData/row/Color", xmap);

//Print returned ArrayList values
for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++)

Determine Smart Art Shape and Convert it to Group Shape

Smart Art shapes are special shapes that allow you create complex diagrams automatically. Aspose.Cells allows you to detect Smart Art shapes and convert them to Group shape that enables you to handle smart art shape like a group shape. Consequently, you will have access to the individual parts or shapes of the group shape.

Create and Protect a Shared Workbook

Microsoft Excel allows you to create a shared workbook. When you share the workbook, then more than one user can edit the workbook. Aspose.Cells enables you to create a shared workbook with Workbook.Settings.Shared property. Besides, you can protect or unprotect a shared workbook.

Render Sequence of Pages using PageIndex and PageCount Properties of ImageOrPrintOptions

Aspose.Cells allows you to render sequence of pages of your Excel file to images using ImageOrPrintOptions.PageIndex and ImageOrPrintOptions.PageCount properties. These properties are useful when there are so many pages in your worksheet but you need to render a few pages only. This will not only save the processing time but also saves the memory consumption of the rendering process.

Ignore Errors while Rendering Excel to PDF

You can ignore all errors during the conversion process using the PdfSaveOptions.IgnoreError property. This way, conversion process will be completed smoothly without throwing any error or exception but data loss may occur.

Implement Cell.FormulaLocal similar to Excel VBA Range.FormulaLocal

Microsoft Excel formulas may have different names in different locales/regions or languages. For example, SUM function is called SUMME in German. Aspose.Cells cannot work with non-English function names. In Microsoft Excel VBA, there is Range.FormulaLocal property that returns the name of the function as per its language or region. Aspose.Cells also provides Cell.FormulaLocal property for this purpose. However, this property will only work when you will implement GlobalizationSettings.getLocalFunctionName(String standardName) method. For more detail, please see this article.

The following sample code explains how to implement GlobalizationSettings.getLocalFunctionName(String standardName) method.

//Implement GlobalizationSettings class
class GS extends GlobalizationSettings {

	public String getLocalFunctionName(String standardName)
		//Change the SUM function name as per your needs.
			return "UserFormulaLocal_SUM";				
		//Change the AVERAGE function name as per your needs.
		if (standardName.equals("AVERAGE"))
			return "UserFormulaLocal_AVERAGE";

		return "";
}//GS extends GlobalizationSettings


public void Run() throws Exception {

	//Create workbook
	Workbook wb = new Workbook();

	//Assign GlobalizationSettings implementation class
	wb.getSettings().setGlobalizationSettings(new GS());

	//Access first worksheet
	Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);

	//Access some cell
	Cell cell = ws.getCells().get("C4");

	//Assign SUM formula and print its FormulaLocal
	System.out.println("Formula Local: " + cell.getFormulaLocal());

	//Assign AVERAGE formula and print its FormulaLocal
	cell.setFormula("=AVERAGE(B1:B2, B5)");
	System.out.println("Formula Local: " + cell.getFormulaLocal());

Render Office Add-Ins while converting Excel to Pdf

Aspose.Cells now supports to render MS Office Add-ins (in Excel files) in the output PDF. You do not need to use any special method or property to render Office Add-Ins in the output PDF. For more detail, please see this article.

Auto populate Smart Markers data to other worksheets if data is too large to handle in a single worksheet

Sometime, you want to auto populate smart marker data to other worksheets if it is too large. Suppose, your data source has 1500000 records. These are too many records for a single worksheet, then you can move the rest of the records to next worksheet. For more detail and sample code, please see this article.

Set the Shape type of Data labels of chart

You can change the shape type of data labels of the chart using the DataLabels.ShapeType property. It takes the value of DataLabelShapeType enumeration and changes the shape type of data labels accordingly. For more detail, please see this article.

Export worksheet CSS separately in output HTML

Aspose.Cells provides the feature to export worksheet CSS separately when you convert your Excel file to HTML file format. Please use HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetCSSSeparately property for this purpose and set it to true while saving Excel file to HTML format. For more detail on the feature, please see this article/document for your reference.

  • Export Worksheet CSS Separately in Output HTML

Prefix Table elements Styles with HtmlSaveOptions.TableCssId property

Aspose.Cells allows you to prefix table elements styles with HtmlSaveOptions.TableCssId property. For more detail, please see this article.

Aspose.Cells for Android via Java Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks: