Discontinued Support for JDK 1.6 in Aspose.Note for Java 17.8


We are pleased to announce the release of Aspsoe.Note for Java 17.8. This is a maintenance release where we have fixed several issues that were affecting the API functionality. In addition, we have discontinued support for JDK 6 from this release onwards. For complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of API documentation.

Discontinued Support for JDK 1.6

From this release onwards, Aspose.Note for Java doesn’t support JDK 1.6. All our customers, who are using older version of JDK and want to use this latest version of API, need to upgrade their Java version to meet the minimum requirement of API i.e. JDK 1.7 or higher.

Improvements in Aspose.Note for Java 17.8

As mentioned earlier, this release is a maintenance release that focuses on fixing issues found in API functionality. Specifically, these fixes are related to:

Improved Functionality of working with Document Pages: This release improves the functionality of working with document pages using the API. Two major issues fixed in this regard include the incorrect reading of number of pages in a document and non-availability of history information in certain cases. These have now been fixed which further add to the overall stability of the API in terms of expected behavior.

Exceptions while loading certain documents: We also came across customer scenario where loading certain OneNote documents raised exceptions.  These were further investigated for the corner cases and now the document loading functionality is more robust as compared to earlier versions of the API.

API Resources

  • Documentation – Visit our documentation section for getting started with the API in no time
  • API Reference Guide – Gives detailed information about all the namespaces, classes and methods of the API
  • Forum Support – Post your queries on Aspose.Note forum to get assistance from our technical support team
  • GitHub Examples – Try the ready-to-use examples of the API by downloading from our GitHub repository