Convert PDF to PPTX, Image, and PDF/A using C#

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The new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.9 is published which offers various enhancements and fixes related to numerous issues reported in previous release versions. With every new release, we are working hard to make the API robust enough to cater wide variety of input documents and with every new release, the API is becoming more stable, as new enhancements and bug fixes are being introduced.

Convert PDF to PPTX – Improvements

Aspose.PDF for .NET is capable of converting PDF files to PPTX format and recently, some customers encountered issues whiles performing this conversion. However, in this new release, we have made numerous fixes related to this feature. Apart from bug fixes, we have also made enhancements to features including Rendering text data as image in resultant PPTX, render individual image separately; instead merging them as single image in resultant file.

Convert PDF to PDF/A

The API is reliably capable of converting PDF files to PDF/A format and in order to make this feature more stable, we have also made many improvements in this functionality. Some of the bug fixes include Custom font breaks, Compliance error, colors being lost, conversion changes the display order of objects are few to be named.

Miscellaneous fixes

Apart from the above-mentioned improvements, the API is improved for better PDF to Raster image conversion, rendering of form fields inside PDF, table rendering in PDF file, text extraction and Image stamp operations. As it is always recommended to use the latest release of our API’s, so we suggest you to please download the latest release of Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.9 and check Release Notes section for the list of issues fixed in Aspose.Pdf for .NET 17.9