PST File Size Improvement with Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin 17.9

Aspose.Email for iOS via XamarinWe are pleased to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin 17.9. Ported from Aspose.Email for .NET API, this monthly release of API includes the same enhancements and improvements as that of .NET API. For a detailed note on the improvements included in this month’s release, please visit the release notes section of Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin API.

Improvements in Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin 17.9

The monthly release of Aspose.Email for .NET includes several improvements in API functionality as result of bug fixes that were reported with the last version of the API. Consequently, these functional improvements are also part of Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin API. Inclusion of these improvements further add to the stabilization and improved performances of both these APIs.

Following is a list of improvements that are part of this month’s release:

  • PSTs generated by APIs have improved file size now
  • Some issues related to message conversion to other formats have also been fixed in this month’s release
  • Certain exceptions with fetching contacts from Exchange server have been resolved
  • The feature of reading multiple events from Calendar files has also been improved to cater for more cases that arose exceptions
  • The API also includes fixes to some memory leaks for working with POP3 client

API Resources

Aspose.Email for iOS, being a wrapper around Aspose.Email for .NET API, uses the same API resources as that of Aspose.Email for .NET. You can refer to Aspose.Email for iOS via Xamarin documentation to have further information about the API resources.

As always, we welcome your queries and inquiries related to the product on Aspose.Email forum.