We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 17.7. The major development in this release is the functionality to get the minimum size (height & width) required for the barcode image. Improved functionality of GetOnlyBarCodeImage method has also been incorporated in this release.
Functionality of DataMatrix barcode has also been enhanced in this release. Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports now enables the developer to create DataMatrix barcode with C40 and Text encoding scheme.
Other Improvements
Complete list of enhancements and fixes in this release is as follows.
- Barcode recognition process has been improved. It is now reading DataMatrix and UPCA coded barcode correctly.
- Barcode recognition process has been improved. It is now reading correct barcode from PDF.
- Barcode generation process has been improved. API now validates the input text string for GS1 coded barcode and then generated the barcode image.
- Functionality of ExportToXml method has been improved. It is now exporting dimensions of the barcode along with other attributes in the XML file.
- Targets detection process for QR coded barcode has been improved.
- Recognition process was recognizing EAN13 coded barcode as UPC-A. An enhancemnet has been made in the algorithm to correctly recognizing EAN13 coded barcode.
- Functionality of GetOnlyBarCodeImage method has been improved. The working of GetOnlyBarCodeImage method with small size has been enhanced.
- Functionality to recognize the supplement code text from EAN13 coded barcode has been improved.
To view a complete list of new features, fixes and to download the latest release, please visit Aspose.Barcode for JasperReport 17.7 page in downloads section.
Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports Resources
The following API resources can be of help to you in getting started:
Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports Wiki docs – help documentation and API reference documents.
Aspose.BarCode Product Family Forum – post your technical questions and queries, or any other problem you faced while running Aspose.BarCode APIs.
Enable Email Subscription – Don’t limit yourself, you can keep yourself updated with the latest news on Aspose.BarCode APIs and new features, fixes, plus other API related topics by subscribing to Aspose.BarCode blog.