Improved text and shapes rendering support available in Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 17.5

Aspose.Slides for SharePoint logoWe are pleased to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 17.5. This release has been developed based on Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5. Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.5 has some new features including HeaderFooterManager class support for slides, layout slides and Master slides. This will help to set the headers and footers properties on individual slides level. The presentation rendering support has also been improved for text, images and different chart elements. This improved rendering will help when converting presentations to different formats including images, PDF and XPS when using Aspose.Slides for SharePoint.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 17.5 Release Notes for further reference.

To view a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for SharePoint 17.5, please visit the download section.