Aspose.Email for Android via Java has been published

We notified our valued customers about renaming of Aspose.Email for Android to Aspose.Email for Android via Java. We are pleased to announce that this activity has been completed and Aspose.Email for Android via Java has been released. With this, we have completed the first step towards our aim of updating and bringing this API at the same level as our Aspose.Email for Java API.

Changes in the Renamed API

The name change of the API has no practical changes involved as far as functionality is concerned. This means that if you upgrade your application to this latest version, your codes will still work and no functionality will be broken.

Do I need to get a New License for this API?

Well, this new API is at the same level of functionality as the initial launch version and upgrading to this latest version will not make any difference to your applications.  Existing Aspose.Email for Android and Aspose.Total for Android licenses will still work with this renamed version of the API unless their subscription is expired.

API Resources

We have also updated this change in the API documentation where required. You can find the API resources at following links.