Improved printing support available in Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4

We like to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4. We have added some new features related to chart elements positioning and printing support in this API.

New Features

We have improved the printing support in this release and now you can set different print options including margins, print copies and print preview. Please visit documentation article, Setting print options dynamically for further details. You can now also verify if any given presentation has been crated or modified using Aspose.Slides. For further details, please visit documentation article, Check if Presentation is modified or created. We have included support for extraction of embedded SWF file data inside presentation as well. For more details, please visit documentation article, Extracting Flash objects from Presentation.

Resolved Issues

We have improved presentation rendering support in this API and have rectified issues related to text, hyperlink, images, charts, table cells, borders and other shapes rendering inside exported SVG, PDF and slide thumbnails. We have also resolved the issues related to slides cloning and have resolved certain incurring issues including presentation layouts getting disturbed, broken text inside paragraphs and fonts styles getting changed in cloned presentations.

We have improved the charting support and issues related to line charts and chart data labels. We have also resolved the issues related to presentation access and saving which earlier resulted in different exceptions like, ArgumentNullException, NullReferenceException and NullPointerException. We have also rectified the corrupt presentations and error message appearing issue for saved presentations as well.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4 Release Notes for further reference.

To download Aspose.Slides for .NET 17.4, please visit the download page.