Work with MLeader Entity and DWF Files using Java

We are pleased to share the release announcement for Aspose.CAD for Java 17.4. This is a major product release whereby we have added support for DWG and DWF file formats.

We have enhanced the DWF file format support by including support for new MLeader entity. For more about supported feature, please visit documentation article, Support for MLeader Entity.

Now, you can work with DWF files and render them to images and PDF files as per requirement. For more about supported feature, please visit documentation articles, Converting DWF to Raster Image Format and DWF to PDF. This release also includes improved rendering support for DWG file format as well in terms of exporting to PDF and images.


Following enhancements have been introduced in this release.

  • Converting DWG layers to PNG image has been improved.
  • Converting DWG layers to PDF has been improved.
  • Add support for DXF and DWG file formats in FileFormat enumeration.

To view a complete list of new features and to download the latest release, please visit Aspose.CAD for Java 17.4 page in the downloads section.

Aspose.CAD for Java Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks: