Preserve VBA Macros in Visio Diagrams using Java

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We are pleased to announce that the new version 17.3.0 of Aspose.Diagram for Java API is now live. This new version is a minor maintenance update that covers the regular bug fixes. Developers can preserve their exiting VBA macros during the export of Visio drawings. It also brings accuracy to align multiple shapes during the transformation of Visio drawing to any other supported format. We recommend our clients use the powerful Aspose for Java APIs directly in their Maven Projects with simple configurations. For details on API fixes, please visit the product Release Notes section of this new version.

Preserve the VBA Macros in Visio using Java

By default, Aspose.Diagram for Java API fully preserves VBA projects during the call to export feature. However, in the particular use case of exporting a VDX to VSDM format, the VBA Macros were not being preserved. Developers can now find an improvement in that area, but to remind, they can also read and write VBA Micro-Enabled Visio drawings as well as edit the code base of the VBA project. These help topics show how to modify the VBA code segments and export Visio drawings: Modify VBA Module Code in Visio Diagram and Convert a Visio Drawing

We auto port Aspose.Diagram for .NET to Java to give developers perfectly the same features on both platforms, so this version also incorporates the bug fixes and enhancements from its equivalent .NET version.

Aspose.Diagram for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.Diagram for Java:

We hope you will enjoy this new release that saves time and efforts. The API is quite simple and developers can use it in application easily.