Convert Latex to PDF Conversion in Java using Aspose.PDF for Java 17.1.0

We are pleased to announce a new release of Aspose.PDF for Java, 17.1.0. This version includes a new feature to convert Latex file to PDF document along with all the enhancements and improvements introduced in its corresponding version of Aspose.PDF for .NET (17.1.0). We have improved TIFF to PDF conversion performance, PDF to PDFA, PDF to DOC/DOCX and HTML to PDF conversion feature along with many other bug fixes in this version. Please check the detailed release notes of Aspose.PDF for Java 17.1.0, in order to get an idea about the new features/enhancements and improvements made in this release of Aspose.Pdf for Java.

Furthermore, If you are planning to upgrade the API from any previous version, we strongly recommend you to check the Public API Changes section of current release and other intermediate releases from release notes pages, to know what has been changed since your current revision of the API.

The following sections describe some details regarding these newly added features/enhancements.

Latex to PDF Conversion

This version has introduced Latex to the PDF conversion feature. We included a LatexLoadOptions class to load Latex files in Aspose.PDF DOM and render it to PDF file. Please check the following code snippet for converting the TEX file to PDF. (Read more)

//Instantiate Latex Load option object
LatexLoadOptions Latexoptions = new LatexLoadOptions();
//Create Document object
com.aspose.pdf.Document doc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("samplefile.tex", Latexoptions);
//Save the output in PDF file"TeXToPDF_out.pdf");

Add Break Text for Table Broken in Two Pages

Sometimes it is required to show some text at the bottom of the page to inform users for table broken in two pages. We have included BreakText property in Table class for this purpose in this version.

String outFile = "Table.pdf";
com.aspose.pdf.Document doc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document();
Page page = doc.getPages().add();
com.aspose.pdf.Table tab = new com.aspose.pdf.Table();
tab.setDefaultCellBorder(new com.aspose.pdf.BorderInfo(com.aspose.pdf.BorderSide.All, 0.1f));

for (int i = 1; i <= 200; i++)

{ com.aspose.pdf.Row row1 = tab.getRows().add(); row1.getCells().add("row - " + i); }
tab.setBreakText(new TextFragment("To be continued on next page"));

Other Features

Aspose.PDF for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.PDF for Java: