Support for Jasper Library 6.4.0 in Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 16.12.0

We are pleased to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 16.12.0.

The published release has been built on the basis of latest Aspose.Slides for Java API and can now support Jasper Library 6.4.0 as well when exporting reports using Aspose.Slides for JasperReports. We have also included the support for exporting report to PDF in this release as well and now you can export reports to PDF format using this new API.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 16.12.0 Release Notes for further reference.

To download Aspose.Slides for Jasper Reports 16.12.0, please visit the download page.