Images and Attachments Data for OneNote Online Format is supported with Aspose.Note for .NET 16.12.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Note for .NET 16.12.0. This month’s release provides support for images and attachments in Microsoft OneNote Online file format. It also fixes a number of bugs as reported in our last month’s release that further improves the API functionality. For a complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of Aspose.Note for .NET API.


 Support for Images and Attachments in OneNote Online Files: Aspose.Note for .NET 2.2.0 provided support for OneNote Online SharePoint file format. Support for this feature enabled the API users process OneNote online file formats without the need of installing Microsoft SharePoint on the machine. However, this feature had following limitations:

  • Images from document were not supported
  • Any attachments in documents were also not supported

Resultantly, a document loaded and saved with Aspose.Note API used to lose the images and attachments data contained in the document.

This month’s release of Aspose.Note API, however, now removes these limitations and provides support for images and attachments data for Microsoft OneNote Online file formats. With this capability, OneNote Online files can be read as well as saved back without losing the images and attachments data.

Other Improvements

We have also fixed several bugs in this month’s release that further improves the API functionality. Specifically, the issues were related to the number of pages in the saved document and the loss of images.

API Resources

You can get started with Aspose.Note for .NET by making use of information available in the following.

API Documentation – Helps getting started with the API using code samples and examples

Forum Support – Post your inquiries to get help from our technical support team

Examples – Try the ready-to-use examples of the API by downloading from our GitHub repository

API Reference Guide – Provides information about all the namespaces, classes and properties of the API