Project Recalculations improved with Aspose.Tasks for Java 9.6.0

Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java 9.6.0 has been released. Ported from its equivalent .NET version, this month’s release is sort of maintenance release that resolves several bugs for improved API functionality. Mainly, it addresses the performance issue while updating the tasks’ duration. It also fixes several issues that were affecting task’s properties. For a complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit the release notes section of product documentation.


Performance Improvement for Updating Tasks: This month’s release improves the performance of project recalculations after tasks duration are updated. This eliminates the identified long delays in such cases, affecting the overall efficiency of the API. We are working to further improve the recalculations in case of updating large number of tasks simultaneously.

Improvements in Project Recalculations: We have also fixed several issues related to the recalculation of fields of a task such as actual start, actual finish and split task’s finish. Fixing such recalculation issues further improve the overall functionality of the API.

API Resources

  • Product Documentation – Provides complete information about system requirements, installation, Programmer’s Guide, Technical articles and API Changes
  • API Reference Guide – Provides information about the product namespaces, classes and methods
  • GitHub Examples – Ready to download and execute examples of the API
  • Forum Support – Post your queries/inquiries on Aspose.Tasks forum to get support from our technical support team.