Convert DWG to PNG in C# with Aspose.CAD for .NET

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.CAD for .NET 16.10. There are many improvements and enhancements introduced in this release. The optimized process of loading the DGN file has been incorporated in this release. Conversion from DWG format to PNG format process has also been enhanced.

Convert DWG to PNG in C#

The following code sample shows how to convert DWG to PNG in C#.


The following enhancements have been introduced in this release.

  • The process of loading DGN file has been improved.
  • The process of converting DWG to PNG format has been improved.
  • The process of generating PDF file (as a result of a conversion) has been improved.
  • The conversion process of DXF to Image has been improved.
  • Converting DWG to PDF format process has been improved.
  • The rendering process of Model layers in CAD files has been improved.
  • The functionality of AutomaticLayoutsScaling has been improved.
  • The process of converting DXF to PDF format has been improved.
  • The functionality of GetFileFormat has been enhanced (to support raster image types).
  • The process of exception handling has been improved.

To view a complete list of new features and to download the latest release, please visit Aspose.CAD for .NET 16.10 page in downloads section.

Aspose.CAD for .NET Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks: