Aspose sponsors the 24 hour Virtual JUG

vJUG24 is a 24 hour non stop virtual Java conference that is streamed online for anyone to attend. The conference will be split into three 8-hour windows covering the Americas, APAC and EMEA and will include regional speakers and regional JUGs participating in every session. The event already has over 1000 RSVPs and normally gains an extra 2000-3000 in views in the days after the event.

Aspose loves getting behind user groups which is why we are are proud to be a part of the 24 hour virtual conference!

What’s in Store?

07:00 AM UTC – Rise of the Machines – Automate Your Development by Sven Peters

08:00 AM UTC – An introduction to JVM performance by Rafael Winterhalter

09:00 AM UTC – Java Collections: The Force Awakens by Raoul-Gabriel Urma & Richard Warburton

10:00 AM UTC – 10 SQL Tricks That You Didn’t Think Were Possible by Lukas Eder

11:00 AM UTC – Testing with Spock, the logical choice by Iván López

12:00 PM UTC – MicroProfile, Apache TomEE Now & Beyond byAndy Gumbrecht

13:00 PM UTC – Delivering unicorns by Kasia Mrowca

14:00 PM UTC – Reactive Integrations with Akka Streams that Just Work! by Johan Andrén

and further track continue for 16 hours, check out the schedule for full details.

Press Contact

Telephone (Australia): +61 2 8006 6987