Convert PDF to PDFA efficiently with Aspose.PDF for Java

We are pleased to announce Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.8.0 maintenance release. This version includes PDF to PDFA conversion improvement in addition to the improvements/enhancements made in its equivalent .NET version. We have fixed number of issues in this release, reported by our customers in previous releases. Some of these are PDF to PDF/A, PDF to HTML, PDF to DOC, Printing issue on iSeries and some others. Please check release notes of Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.8.0 for complete list of bug fixed.

The following section describes some important improvements:

PDF to PDFA conversion

We have improved image rendering logic in PDF to PDFA conversion in this release, that fixed a lot of image related issues in PDFA.

Printing issues on non Windows OS

We have been reported some printing issues on non Windows OS, in previous versions. We have fixed these issues PdfViewer class in current release and it will improve the API reliability.

Public API Changes

The basic API change in this release is removal of Interfaces namespace.

Changes in class com.aspose.XFA:

added method

  • public HashMap<String, String> getFieldsWithTextValuesMap()

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.PdfFormatConversionOptions:

added method

  • public boolean isLowMemoryMode()
  • public void setLowMemoryMode(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.FontSubstitution:

added method

  • public FontDefinition getSubstitutionFontDefinition()

Aspose.Pdf for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.Pdf for Java: