Monthly Archives: August 2016

Controlled Document Header Information Export to HTML using Aspose.Tasks for Java 9.5.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 9.5.0. Ported from its equivalent .NET version, this release includes enhancement to the project data conversion to HTML functionality for controlling document header information to output. It also fixes a number of issues that were part of the equivalent .NET version as well as reported with the Java API. For a complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit release notes section of Aspose.Tasks for Java.


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Posted in Aspose.Tasks Product Family |

Aspose Sponsors is a community made up of over 40 individuals who have day jobs as software developers focused on using Microsoft technologies, particularly .NET based languages that contritbute news and other information for other developers to follow with.

The website was formed in 2005 by bloggers Brendan and Darrell who saw a need for a focused, technical blogging community that would be a good place to learn and share their experiences with the community.

CodeBetter is a good dependable … Continue Reading

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Aspose Supports West Wind Technologies

West Wind Technologies is a website run by popular blogger and developer Rick Strahl. Rick’s website is a product of his love to code and there you can find Rick’s development Weblog, an extensive article archive of articles, as well as a support message board to have in-depth developer discussions.

Aspose loves getting behind developers in the community which is why we are sponsoring Rick’s website. We recommend you go take a look at the latest he has to … Continue Reading

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Support for managing embedded audios and Header rows available in Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.7.0

We are pleased to share the release announcement for Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.7.0. This is primarily a maintenance release whereby we have resolved many issues incurring in API.

New Features

We have introduced the support for removing the embedded audio inside presentation in this release and with this feature you can now remove the embedded audios if it is intended. We have also introduced the support for enabling Header rows or banned rows for tables inside slide and you can … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

Fast Image Rotation and Skew Image Correction with Aspose.OCR for Java 3.6.0

Aspose.OCR for Java logo

We are pleased to announce that Aspose.OCR for Java 3.6.0 is now available for public use. This release includes an improved mechanism for skewed image correction. A faster image rotation algorithm has also been incorporated in this release.


Skew image correction functionality was already supported in the form of the getSkewDegree method. However, the skew image correction process has been improved further. Similarly, the image can be rotated using Aspose.OCR but rotation algorithm has been improved further. Method com.aspose.omr.OmrEngine.rotateImage(com.aspose.omr.OmrImage, … Continue Reading

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Improved punctuation classification mechanism in Aspose.OCR for .Net 3.7.0

Aspose.OCR for .NET logo We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.OCR for .Net 3.7.0. This release includes improved mechanism to classify punctuation. Optimization in processing bitmaps to speed up OCR operation has also been introduced in this release.

Aspose.OCR for .Net Resources

The resources, you may need to accomplish your tasks:

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Posted in Aspose.OCR Product Family |

Convert PDF to PDFA efficiently with Aspose.PDF for Java

We are pleased to announce Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.8.0 maintenance release. This version includes PDF to PDFA conversion improvement in addition to the improvements/enhancements made in its equivalent .NET version. We have fixed number of issues in this release, reported by our customers in previous releases. Some of these are PDF to PDF/A, PDF to HTML, PDF to DOC, Printing issue on iSeries and some others. Please check release notes of Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.8.0 for complete list of bug … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

Working with Page History using Aspose.Note for .NET 2.5.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Note for .NET 2.5.0. This month’s release provides support for reading/writing revision information to a document’s page type. It also enhances the functionality of working with history of a document such as rolling back to previous page version, pushing current page version to history and modifying page history. For a detailed note on what is new and fixed, please visit product release notes section of API documentation.

New Features and Enhancements

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Posted in Aspose.Note Product Family |

Recognizing 3D-distorted Aztec coded barcode with Aspose.BarCode for Java 8.1.0

Aspose.BarCode for Java logo We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Barcode for Java 8.1.0. This release includes implementation of new algorithm to recognizing 3D-distorted Aztec coded barcode. Several new enhancements have also been made in barcode recognition speed, recognition from low resolution and order of recognition while reading 2D barcode, Aztec and DataMatrix coded barcodes.


Following is a list of improvements included in this release.

  • Implemented new algorithm for recognizing 3D-distorted Aztec coded barcode.

  • Process of recognizing Aztec coded barcode has

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Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family |

Configure Fonts for Rendering Spreadsheets in Java

Aspose.Cells for Java

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Cells for Java 8.9.2. This release includes many new features and enhancements along with some critical bug fixes that further improve the overall stability of the API. Please check the detailed release notes in order to get an idea about what is new and what has been fixed with this revision of Aspose.Cells for Java. If you are planning to upgrade the API from any previous version, we strongly suggest you … Continue Reading

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