Improved document properties and embedding YouTube video support included in Aspose.Slides for Java 16.6.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for Java 16.6.0. This release covers many pending issues incurring in API along with inclusion of some new features.

New Features

Now , from this version of Aspose.Slides and onwards, you can embed videos from web sources like YouTube in picture frame or ActiveX controls of your presentation. Please refer to documentation article, Adding Video Frame with Video from Web Source for further reference. We have also introduced the support for managing the document properties of presentation in much effective way as well. Please refer to documentation article, Working with Advanced Document Properties for further reference.

Resolved Issues

The presentation access and saving issues have been rectified for many presentation decks that resulted in exceptions including PptxReadException, ArgumentException, UnSupportedFormatException and KeyNotFoundException in previous releases. We have also improved the slide cloning support and have resolved several incurring issues in this regard as well.

We have improved the presentation rendering support as well in this release. This includes rectification of rendering issues with charts and their elements, tables and SmartArt shapes. The support for generating of slide images, PDF and Tiff has also been improved in this releases for different shape elements inside presentation decks.

We have improved the support for working with text inside presentation by rectifying certain incurring issues like improper fonts, wrong alignment, improper and wrong bullets, wrong slide numbering and improper bordering. We have also rectified issues related to improper shapes rendering issues like rendering of Trapezoid and oval shapes that were getting improperly rendered in saved presentations.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Please refer to Aspose.Slides for Java 16.6.0 Release Notes for further reference.

To download Aspose.Slides for Java 16.6.0, please visit the download page.