Calculate Position of Text Block and Fetch Connection Points on Visio Shapes in Java

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We’re pleased to announce that the new version 6.5.0 of Aspose.Diagram for Java API is now live. This new version gives protection to the connection points on Visio shapes so that developers might choose the sides of shapes to glue connectors for the best looking results. Developers may also convert a Visio diagram to SVG and like to see the original layout. We have made several changes to optimize the text position of shapes to make it easier for our clients. For more details please take a look at the Release Notes. Many thanks to all who gave effective feedbacks to improve the Aspose.Diagram API.

Calculate the Text Block Position of Shapes

A text block is the text area associated with a Visio shape. It is a separate part of the shape, yet it is attached to the shape. It’s like a little label that’s always hanging onto the shape. If we move the shape, the text block will move along with it. We have enhanced the way of calculating the text block position of shapes on converting VSDX diagrams to SVG. Besides this, it also maintains original layout settings of the shape’s text.

Preserve the Original Layout on Visio Export

Using Aspose.Diagram API, developers may create various types of Visio diagrams automatically. To accomplish this task, shapes can be added to a Visio page from a VSS stencil. The Visio shape may have several connection points on each side. Dynamic connectors are intended to glue to these points of the shape. We have enhanced the way of fetching shapes with all connection points from the VSS type stencils.

We auto port Aspose.Diagram for .NET to Java to give developers perfectly same features on both platforms, so this version also incorporates the bug fixes and enhancements from its equivalent .NET version. Please check a list of the resolved defects:

  • Fixed: Can’t retrieve connections from VSS stencil file.
  • Fixed: The position of text items is changed on converting a VSDX to SVG.

Aspose.Diagram for Java Resources

The following resources will help you work with Aspose.Diagram for Java:

We hope you’ll enjoy this new release that saves time and efforts. The API is quite simple and developers can use it in application easily.