Extract Text from SmartArt in PowerPoint Presentation using Java

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Slides for Java 16.2.0. This release is one of the major releases which comes with new features and bug fixes.

New Features

Now the support to manage SmartArt shapes has been enhanced and much requested features for SmartArt text extraction and its rendering to PDF or image are now supported in Aspose.Slides. Also, the text can be extracted categorically, including, text from slide only, text from master only or from notes only. For more information about it, one may visit the documentation article Extracting text from Presentation.

Setting the slide frame and creating callout data labels for charts are among the new features which have been included in this release. We have introduced some new properties to set chart’s category axis type as well.

Resolved Issues

Issues related to incorrect text alignment, incorrect text color and missing text while rendering presentations to supported file formats have been fixed in this release. Issues which were occurring while working with Bullets and Numbered lists have also been taken care of. We have rectified the issues related to incorrect font properties like name, height and indentation.

We have also addressed the concerns related to performance of Aspose.Slides for Java and this release has better performance in terms of file rendering and file opening time. Also the utilization of resources, including the CPU and memory have been improved in this release.

Some presentation decks produced repair messages and exceptions including ArgumentException, NullReferenceException and IllegalArgumentException, these issues have also been rectified in this release.

Please refer to the article Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for Java 16.2.0 for further reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for Java 16.2.0, please visit the download page.