Export Message Headers to HTML with Aspose.Email for Java 6.3.0

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for Java 6.3.0. Ported from its equivalent .NET version, this month’s release includes new features, enhancements and a number of bug fixes. A complete list of all public API Changes can be found in our documentation section, Public API Changes in Aspose.Email for Java 6.3.0.

Exporting Message Headers to Output HTML

Aspose.Email API already provides the capability of converting email messages to Html output. This month’s release further enhances the capability of exporting message headers to Html output. The setHtmFormatOptions method of HtmlSaveOptions class provides additional parameters to write header as well as complete email address information to output html.

Detecting File Format

Aspose.Email for Java now provides the capability to detect input file format. The API provides the FileFormatUtil class to detect the input file type using the detectFileFormat method. It can detect file format from string input path of the file or from stream as well.

Using Detached Signature Option

Aspose.Email API already provides the capability of signing messages using the AttachSignature method. However, there were issues faced while sending signed messages to web-based email services. This issue has been resolved now by enhancing the capability of sending signed messages with detached signature option. The overloaded version of attachSignature method provides a Boolean flag for specifying the signature as detached before it could be sent out. This enables web based email services to display the email contents properly.

Bug Fixes

This month’s release of Aspose.Email for Java includes the same bug fixes as were present in the .NET equivalent version of the product. For a complete list of the issues that have been fixed in this month’s release, please visit our Product download page.

API Resources

We have detailed information available online for getting started with the Aspose.Email for Java API. These are: