Enhanced Animation Support in Aspose.Slides for Java 15.11.0

We like to share the release announcement of Aspose.Slides for Java 15.11.0. This releases comes with the improved support for the animations in a presentation.

New Features

We have introduced the support for setting and getting the first slide number by using newly added methods to Presentation class. The methods getFirstSlideNumber() and setFirstSlideNumber() can be used to get or set the first slide number. When a new first slide number value is specified all slide numbers are recalculated. Please visit the documentation article Setting the Slide Number for further reference.

Resolved Issues

The issues related to thumbnail generation which were reported for missing charts, missing text or misplaced contents have been fixed in this release. The slide rendering to SVG as well BMP image format for certain presentation decks with incurring issues have also been resolved. Support for setting the animations on slides and shapes, has also been improved in this release. The presentation access and saving issues have been rectified for many presentation decks that earlier resulted in exceptions including PptxReadException, ArgumentException , InvalidStringException and UnknownFileFormat in previous releases.

We have also enhanced the presentation rendering to HTML and PDF in this release for charts, text and SmartArt shapes. Many chart rendering issues including missing or improper chart legends, chart categories and axes have been rectified. The issues related extraction of some document properties including Creation Date and Last Save Time have also been addressed.

We have made several enhancements to the new API. Refer to the article Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for Java 15.11.0 for further reference.

To see a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for Java 15.11.0, please visit the download page.