Download Latest Aspose Java APIs and Source Code within Eclipse – Aspose.Total Java Project Wizard

Eclipse is one of the most famous IDE widely used by Java developers to manage Java projects when developing components and applications. Aspose provides Aspose Project Wizard for Eclipse to allow developers to download and use multiple Aspose Java APIs and examples through a single click in an Eclipse Java project.

Aspose.Total Java Project Wizard allows to select and download the latest Aspose Java APIs and sample example codes within Eclipse.

Visit Eclipse Marketplace to download and install Aspose Project Wizard in your Eclipse IDE. Aspose Docs are always available for help in Download, Installation, and Usage of Aspose.Total Java for Eclipse.

Aspose Application and Aspose Example option in Eclipse IDE via Aspose Project Wizard

New Features

Following are the additions in Aspose Project Wizard for Eclipse with this release:

  • Aspose Project Wizard is now also available on Eclipse marketplace within Eclipse IDE for easy installation.
Install Aspose Project Wizard from Eclipse Marketplace
  • Examples of Aspose.OCR for Java are now also available and can be used from Examples Wizard of Eclipse IDE.

Aspose.OCR for Java

Aspose.OCR for Java is an optical character & marker recognition component allowing the programmers to add OCR & OMR technology into their Java applications quickly and easily.

OMR features can be used to process questionnaires, ballots, educational tests and ordering sheets, where the documents to be processed are filled in by hand, and scanned images of such forms are used for marker recognition.

Aspose.OCR Examples in Aspose.Total Java Project Wizard for Eclipse

Download, Installation and Usage

Please check the links below to find instructions on downloading, installing, and using these development templates.

Source Code Available

Aspose.Total Java Project Wizard for Eclipse is open source and its source code is available on CodePlex. Developers can extend the functionality if they want or learn from it to make their own plugins.

Customer Feedback

Your feedback is very important to us. Please feel free to provide feedback and raise feature requirements. We are keen to implement customer-driven features since we are a 100% customer-driven company.